Southeast Texas Waterproof hearing aids allow Seniors to play – Get Yours at Trinity Hearing and Balance Port Arthur

Do you love the outdoors? For Southeast Texas seniors with hearing loss, pursuing their hobbies can be a challenge. Trinity Hearing and Balance Port Arthur understands. They have pioneered making the latestSoutheast Texas hearing aid technology available for seniors. Not too long ago Susan Kladitis felt like quitting life. The young grandmother and native of the gulf coast is an avid kayaker and boater. Kladitis lives for the time she spends on the water with her family. But... Read More

Southeast Texas Seniors Get Ready for Football Season at Trinity Hearing and Balance

  Southeast Texas seniors, at least our men, have suffered through a boring summer of ho hum TV.  Many of us didn’t even care if our hearing aids were working. Dancing shows. Singing shows. Who needs to hear those? But now, Southeast Texas TVs are about to be tuned to football. UT Longhorns. Texas A&M. LSU. Houston Texans. The Dallas Cowboys. Southeast Texas high school football highlights. Thank-you! I knew it seemed like it would never be here for many Southeast... Read More is the only comprehensive senior lifestyle website for Southeast Texas Seniors. is dedicated to being informative to all things of concern to seniors, their families and their caregivers.