Southeast Texas Senior Love Stories – He Zigs, She Zags

Many Southeast Texas senior relationships grow over decades. We often attend parties for fortieth, fiftieth, even sitxtieth wedding anniversaries. Over that time, our love continues to evolve. Today, The Garden District in Orange shares a story of mature love with our SETX Seniors: “What My Parents Taught Me About Love” [Marnell Jameson] Mom’s in the hospital. Nothing huge in the scheme of mortality, just a knee replacement. She’s 78, same age as Dad, and the joint has... Read More

Learning to connect in today’s society keeps relationships strong

Whether it’s at work, at home or among friends, building and maintaining relationships is one of the most important parts of life. As people get older, however, the ways in which connections are made and kept change due to life adjustments, new technology and health. Those changes often mean challenges. For instance, hearing loss is a common cause of diminishing connections. Those who suffer from it might be reluctant to say or do anything, but not being able to hear can... Read More is the only comprehensive senior lifestyle website for Southeast Texas Seniors. is dedicated to being informative to all things of concern to seniors, their families and their caregivers.